WATER.COLORS - How water shapes the earth
WASSER.FARBEN - Wie Wasser unsere Welt formt
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Water.Colors is an aerial photography book-journey showcasing some of the worlds most beautiful, surreal and unique landscapes which were formed by water. Experience the element in all its diversity, colorfulness, abundance of form and fragile beauty and aesthetics. The interplay of colors from white to black, from pink to turquoise turns oceans, rivers and lakes into unique works of art. The landscape photographs blur the boundaries between natural and man-made water colorations.
Available in 3 different editions. (Details see below)
Please note: The textual content in this book is entirely written in German but as the texts comprises only a few pages you won’t be disappointed as an international customer.
Hardcover binding / 24 x 28 cm
176 pages including 160 color photographs
Texts by Florian Werner
ISBN: 978-3-95728-427-3 / Published by Knesebeck
WASSER.FARBEN - Wie Wasser unsere Welt formt
Es fließt, wählt den Weg des geringsten Widerstands und ist Grundlage allen Lebens: Wasser. In formvollendeten Luftaufnahmen dokumentiert Fotograf Kevin Krautgartner das Element in seiner ganzen Vielfalt und zeigt es in seiner ganzen Farbenpracht, Formenfülle und in all seiner fragilen Schönheit und Ästhetik. Das Farbenspiel von Weiß bis Schwarz, von Pink bis Türkis lässt Ozeane, Flüsse und Seen zu einzigartigen Kunstwerken werden. Untypische Blickwinkel fokussieren sich auf ungewöhnliche, mitunter surreal wirkende Naturgegebenheiten. Die Landschaftsfotografien lassen die Grenzen zwischen natürlichen und vom Mensch gemachten Wasserfärbungen verschwimmen. So wird oft erst auf den zweiten Blick enthüllt, was dahintersteht. Es offenbart sich eine Welt der überraschenden Kontraste wie Übereinstimmungen – Bilder, die einladen, sich darin zu verlieren und die zum Nachdenken anregen. In seinen begleitenden Essays nimmt Florian Werner diese Strömungen und ungewöhnlichen Motive auf und kommentiert tiefgründig und humorvoll das Wesen des Wassers.
WATER.COLORS - How water shapes the earth
It flows, chooses the path of least resistance and is the basis of all life: water. In perfectly shaped aerial photographs, photographer Kevin Krautgartner documents the element in all its diversity, colorfulness, abundance of form and fragile beauty and aesthetics. The interplay of colors from white to black, from pink to turquoise turns oceans, rivers and lakes into unique works of art. Aerial angles focus on unusual, sometimes surreal-looking natural sceneries. The landscape photographs blur the boundaries between natural and man-made water colorations. Thus, what lies behind is often only revealed at second glance. A world of surprising contrasts and similarities - images that invite us to lose ourselves in them and make us think. In his accompanying essays, Florian Werner takes up these currents and unusual motifs and comments profoundly and humorously on the nature of water.
Choose between 3 different editions:
Standard Edition
Signed Book
Small surprise
Premium Edition
Limited to 100 copies
Signed Book
Limited edition Fine Art print on Hahnemühle’s 308 g/m² Photo Rag matte high quality paper (Frame not included)
Print size: 21 x 28 cm / Artwork: “Tropical Dream”
Small surprise
Collectors Edition
Limited to 25 copies
Signed Book
Limited edition Fine Art print on Hahnemühle’s 308 g/m² Photo Rag matte high quality paper (Frame not included)
Print size: 45 x 60 cm / Artwork: “Reef Shapes”
Small surprise